#48 - Holofonote

Электронная симфония

1. Freescha - Church Music 
2. Barbara Buchholz - Coyote 
3. Mod2 & 303box - L'Esprit Primitif 
4. Roberto Musci - Lullabies... Mother Sings... Father Plays 
5. Funki Porcini - Purrfect 
6. Chapelier Fou - Artifices 
7. Helios - The Evening Walk 
8. Origamibiro - Pulmonary Piano 
9. Daedelus - Music Concrete 
10. Musica Sequenza - Overture 
11. Plaid - The Pale Moth 
12. Dorian Concept - You're Untouchable 
13. Hell Interface - Soylent Night 
14. Jon Hopkins - The Low Places 
15. Floating Points - Birth